Last day of ICT Class for this year....

Collections of Brochure by Student (By Group)

cITaKU Creative Camp (Day 1) 24-28 August 2009

cITaKU Creative Camp (Day 2)

cITaKU Creative Camp(day 3)

cITaKU Creative Camp (Day 4 - 5)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Video by Bulan Group (ICT Camp)

video by Mutiara Hati Group ( ICT camp)

Video by Bestari Group (ICT Camp)

video by Rajawali Group ( ICT Camp)

Enjoy on camp ( cITaKU ICT Camp)

Salam Satu Malaysia,

School holiday is coming back, so, cITaku Lab organize a camp to give more interesting for student on this school holiday....

Name of Program : cITaKU ICT Camp
Place : cITaKU Lab (SK Sungai Korok)
Date : 30 November 2009 – 04 December 2009
Time : 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM
Num. of students : 26(15 for Standard 3 and 11 for Standard 4)
Handled by : Mohd Shukri Bin Ramly (IT Facilitator).

For the first Day, this program started with explanation and presentation to all participants about Movie Maker, how to using a movie Maker (Put in pictures, video, sound or audio, transition and title/credit of movie). All participants divided by four groups and headed by a student of standard 4. All group given an assignment or project to create a short movie by Windows Movie Maker. That assignment is about they need to choose a theme for their movie maker project. After discussion among group members, each group already chooses a theme:

1. Kasawari Group – Theme (Bercucuk Tanam)
- Leader (Muhammad Syazwan (4B))

2. Mutiara Hati Group - Theme (Keindahan Alam Sekitar)
- Leader (Tasnim (4B))

3. Bestari Group - Theme ( Kemalangan Jalan Raya)
- Leader ( Mohamad Anas (4B))

4. Bulan Group - Theme ( Bersedekah Amalan Mulia)
- Leader ( Aida Nazhifah (4B))

Every group, need to discuss together and plan to act base on their theme and their acting recorded by Handy Camp and Digital Camera. Each group had given digital camera to take pictures and record video base on their acting to put it on a movie maker project. Lastly, every group need to submit and show their movie to IT Facilitator and present it to all participants in front of class.

On this program, all participants learn about News Maker program. For this project, we need to change a location of a program cause a cITaKU Lab have a electrical problem on that day, so this program change a location at Surau Sekolah after get permission by PK Ko-Kurikulum. Every group given 2 laptop to create a News Maker project. For this project, each group needs to create news and record it on News Maker software.

Hope all enjoy on this camp...


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

School Break Program come again !!!!....

Nama Program : Gerak Gempur UPSR

Tarikh Program : 07 Disember – 11 Disember 2009

Hari : Isnin - Jumaat

Tenaga Pengajar : En. Mohd Shukri Bin Ramly

Aktiviti :

1. Teknik membina jadual waktu belajar dan membinanya

2. Mencari dan mengumpul soalan-soalan tahun- tahun lepas, soalan ramalan dan nota-nota penting di dalam internet.

3. Membina Buku Skrap bagi setiap matapelajaran. (soalan-soalan, nota, tips atau sebagainya.)

4. Pendedahan kepada laman web berbentuk pendidikan.

5. Tayangan video Motivasi

Nama Program : cITaKU ICT Camp

Tarikh Program : 30 November – 04 Desember 2009

Hari : Isnin - Jumaat

Tenaga Pengajar : En. Mohd Shukri Bin Ramly (IT Fasilitator)

Aktiviti :

1. Menghasilkan filem pendek menggunakan ‘Movie Maker’

2. Mengenali email

3. Online Communication.

goodbye all students standard 6.....

Salam everyone..

Result for UPSR already coming out last week... so contrazz for sucess students, and for students who got not good result,dont worry this is only for your starting exam, try again on your PMR and SPM.....

For all student 6 Berjaya and 6 Rajin at SK Sungai Korok, I pray all of you success for your life after this, and see again, InsyaAllah....

Selamat Hari Raya Korban.....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hari Membaca Celebration...

On 30 October 2009, Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Korok organized Hari Membaca celebration for all students on this school. This program launched by Headmaster of this school , Pn Che Yah Bt Ahmad.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan (LDP) Sek. Keb Sungai Korok

Salam everyone,

Date : 10 October 2009
Time : 8.00 am
Place : cITaKU Lab Sek Keb. Sungai Korok
Program : Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan( LDP) - ( Create a Blog)


- Create a email
- Create a blog
- Posting on blog
- Insert Pictures, video on blog
- Insert flash player into Blog
- Create a form, chat box, and song to blog.

Salam from Balik Pulau...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Maintenance for cITaKU lab

Salam everyone....

wah....very long not posting on this blog after celebrate Hari Raya last week... After Holiday for one week, I call contractor to make some of maintenance for this Lab..

Some of that maintenance is :

1) Change a lock door (Kepala pintu) cause sometime it difficult to lock it....

2) Floor jubin ( this is for 2nd time i call to change it but not on the same place)

Actually for Floor jubin , some "Kulat Kayu" is attack on my lab, after contractor come to solve it, i hope everything will be ok.....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

cITaKU Creative Camp

Salam Everyone,

On 24 to 28 August 2009 cITaKU Lab was held a cITaKU Creative Camp 2009 for school break program.

For the 1st day, cITaKU Creative Camp start a program with Email.

For 2nd day,all students divided to 4 groups to learn and discuss for the task or assignment about online communication.

Name of this 4 Groups are:

  1. Cahaya Nur (Leader - Muhamad Akmal)
  2. Seri Bayu (Leader - Muhammad Adam)
  3. Putra Putri Kayanyan (Leader - Siti Nur Hidayah)
  4. Mutiara Hati (Leader - Nur Dalila)

Every Group need to Online Communicate Using Skype for 10 - 15 Minutes. Topic or situation choosn by each roup is :

  1. Cahaya Nur - "Lintas Langsungdari Singapore tentang bencana alam"
  2. Seri Bayu - "Lintas Langsung kejadian tanah runtuh di Bukit Antarabangsa"
  3. Putra Putri Kayangan - "Lintas Langsung Kejadian Tanah Runtuh di Bukit Antarabangsa"
  4. Mutiara Hati - "Lintas Langsung dari Mexico tentang H1N1"

For 3rd day,the program continues for the yesterday assignment (Online Comunication) cause not finish on yesterday. After finish that assignment, all students create a card using Microsoft Office Publisher.

Day 4, on 9.00 to 10.00 am every groupdiscuss to plan how to make promotion using ICT product. Each group also discuss about a product, place to shooting, and how to put it to brochures. On 10.00 am, cITaKU Lab Sekolah Kebangsaan Selama invite to make a communication using skype between students SK Sungai Korok and students SK Selama. The Online communication Between both school finish on 11.30 am. On 11.30, each group takes a shooting session at place around school.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Flood at cITaKU Lab....

Salam and good day....

After long time not posting here.... now coming back....

This is a pictures on 21 August 2009....


Sunday, August 16, 2009

cITaKU lab Program for Community

Salam and good day everyone..

This is 1 st time I involve a program for community... special thanks to IT Facilitator at SABK Masriyah, Bukit Mertajam cause invite me to join to organize a program for community. This program applied for Pemuda Guar Jering and handled by Pn Syuhada (IT Facilitator) , while I and Eijam just asist to make sure all in good progress.

Salam from Balik Pulau..

*** Pictures will be upload soon

Sunday, August 9, 2009

School Holiday program is coming back....(Planning)

Salam and good day everyone....

School Holiday program is coming back....

Name Program : cITaKU creative Camp

Date : 22 August - 31 August 2009

Time : Not confirm yet

1) Talking Book Project

- Talking Book Project is a project using Micr. PowerPoint where create a book using powerpoint and include picture, audio and animation on this talking book project.

2)Flash Video Project

- Create a video using a flash and upload to internet.

3)Create Website Project.

- create and design a website and publish it into internet using geocities or other.

> 4)Phone call acting base on theme (Online Comunication)

- communicate base on situation depend on theme.

5)Create a Poster, brochure and other using publisher.

- Create a brochure for promotion a business

6) Comic or dialog situation using autoshape..
> - Untuk melahirkan seorang kartunis yg berjaya dan berwawasan, perlu bermula dari bangku sekolah lgi.... itu adalah pembuka kata utk program ini....hihihihii....

Actually, this is only planning , still not approve by NCIA and school management yet. If this plan changes, i will inform back....

** Selection for students to join this program will be select by IT Facilitator base on performance on ICT class....Only for student interested to join it......***


Salam dari Balik Pulau...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

20-25 July 2009

Salam everyone,

ICT Class :

  • Standard 1 - typing ( Paragraph)
  • Standard 2 - typing ( Software)
  • Standard 3 - Animation ( Powerpoint)
  • Standard 4 - Header & Footer, page Number, wordArt (Word)
  • Standard 5 - Function (Excel)

- Report to En Muharizam ( Contractor ) about a damage floor on the cITaKU lab. He will solve it on next week.

- On saturday, have a workshop about E-Tutor organize by Andaman Publisher Sdn Bhd at Sunway Hotel.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

13-17 July 2009

Salam to all....

This Week :

Class ICT - Standard 1 - Birthday card (Paint)
- Standard 2 - Typing
- Standard 3 - PowerPoint ( Slide design, background, etc)
- Standard 4 - Mic Word (Chart Organization, WordArt,Header and Footer,etc)
- Standard 5 - Excel ( Chart base on table)

On Friday, Sek. keb Sungai Korok celebrate Hari Kecergasan peringkat Sekolah.

Salam from Balik Pulau

Monday, July 13, 2009

6 July to 10 July 2009

Salam everyone....

This week cITaKU Lab
  1. receive 2 unit of fire extinguisher....
  2. Blackout on wednesday on 1.30 pm and thats time is ICT class for 2 student back early... and electricity aleady normal on 3.00 pm and ICT class continue like on schedule...
ICT Class..
  • Standard 1 - Paint (Shapes and line)
  • Standard 2 - Paint (Shapes and line)
  • Standard 3 - Powerpoints (Create Slide - animals)
  • Standard 4 - Create Logo Using Word (3D)
  • Standard 5 - Excel ( Sifir calculation formula - shorcut)
  • Standard 6 - Open to student to using internet for reference in UPSR (ZOOM A, )

Friday, July 3, 2009

Untuk renungan pelajar-pelajar yg akan menghadapi UPSR 2009

Bawa slip UPSR ke pusara

PAUH – Seorang murid Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Jelempok menunaikan impian arwah ibunya untuk memperoleh 5A dalam semua subjek pada Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), di sini.

Roshida Din, 44, meninggal dunia akibat jangkitan kuman pada paru-paru meninggalkan Massayu Amirah Abd Karim, 12, di saat anaknya itu hampir menduduki peperiksaan tersebut. Massayu ketika ditemui berkata, dia gembira bercampur sedih dengan keputusan cemerlang yang diperolehnya namun dia tetap bersyukur kerana semua ini berkat doa arwah ibunya sebelum meninggal dunia.

“Arwah emak berpesan walau bagaimana cara sekalipun, saya mesti memperoleh keputusan 5A dalam semua subjek dan mulai saat itu, saya bersungguh-sungguh untuk mendapatkannya.

“Kenangan ini tidak dapat dilupakan dan perasaan sedih tetap ada kerana melihat rakan-rakan menunjukkan keputusan kepada ibu masing-masing tetapi sebaliknya saya ke tanah perkuburan untuk menunjukkan keputusan dan meluahkan segala-galanya di sini.

“Arwah sempat berpesan supaya buat elok-elok dan dapatkan 5A untuknya dan mulai saat itu, saya tanamkan amanah emak kuat-kuat dan berusaha mendapatkannya,” katanya.

Massayu berkata, walaupun umurnya masih muda untuk menghadapi semua ini, semangatnya tetap membara kerana masih mempunyai ayah dan nenek yang banyak memberi galakan dan sokongan kepadanya.

Malah, setiap kali pulang dari sekolah, dia akan singgah untuk menziarahi pusara ibunya.

Menurut anak kedua dari tiga beradik ini, arwah pernah menyuarakan hasrat untuk membuat kenduri jika dia mendapat keputusan cemerlang.

“Walau apa pun dugaan melanda, kita perlu tabah dan cuba tunaikan amanat dan harapan ibu bapa kerana mereka sememangnya menanti kejayaan kita,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian.

Massayu ditemui pada majlis penyampaian keputusan UPSR, pada majlis itu juga seorang dermawan, Jamil Ismail, 57, memberi sumbangan kepada murid yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam UPSR.


29 June - 03 July 2009 ( Permata Pintar program)

Salam everyone....

This week, Permata Pintar was held on 29 and 30 June on cITaku Lab.. Class involve for this program is class 3 Berjaya, 4 Berjaya and 5 Berjaya.... • Some of students from standard 6 also already done for PERMATA PINTAR before this...

ICT class for this week....

Standard 1 - Function of wordpad (new,open, find....)
Standard 2 - Paint
Standard 3 - Microsoft office word 2003 (orientation, margin....)
Standard 4 - Orientation and table on word 2003
Standard 5 - Excel 2003 (calculation and assignment by individual)
Standard 6 - Visit website or links to help them for UPSR

Starting from this week until UPSR exam, class ICT for standard 6 will be focus for their UPSR exam.. Its mean, on class students will visit a website about UPSR exam like ZOOM A,, and others links....

Salam from Balik Pulau...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

22 June - 26 June 2009

Salam everyone....

This week, ICT class is in progress like normally...

Standard 1 - How to Save,make sure all students can using a mouse
Standard 2 - Cut and edit picture using paint
Standard 3 - Arrange icon on desktop, drag icon,drawing using smoothdraw.
Standard 4 - Create a folder,subfolder, rename , delete.
Standard 5 - Continue from last week sylibus about Microsoft office excel 2003
Standard 6 - Calculation on Excel and ZOOM A program.

- This week, is a first week for this lab using a smart board and standard 6 is a first class using it.

- Mr. William from EP-TEC Solutions Sdn Bhd come to setting and configure a smart board

- Receives the certificates for cITaKU IT Program on friday


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Continue to formal class.....(15-19 june)

Salam everyone....

Alhamdulilah, cITaKU IT Camp already complete last week... time to clean cITaKU Lab ( thanks to Awie, Adnan and Danial cause come to help).... so, this week cITaKU lab will be continue back to ICT class like before this...

This week, class will be continue on normally..... but this week only for class standard 1 to 5 only.... cause class for standard 6 will be cancel on this friday..... cause on friday i need go to taiping for SmartBoard Training.....

Note: For students, who have cITaKU IT Camp CD problem can come to see me to change a new CD...

Asalamualaikum and thank you.....

Monday, June 15, 2009

2nd week for cITaKU IT camp

Salam everyone.....

This week is 2nd week for cITaKU IT Camp at this lab...

This week, student create a own blog and drawing using SmoothDraw software..

For 1st day, students create a email and after finish it they register for the blog...and others day, students learning how to posting a post, add gadget , add a image, video and others.....

They also, learn how to create a flash video to upload on their blog...Alhamdullilah, everything about blog project, in a good progress....

For the SmoothDraw software, students very enjoy to using that software and they very likes drawing....

For the last day, i create a award day for appreciation to student for their commitment in this program....
Have a 5 of category of award :

1) The Best of painting (SmootDraw) - The winner is Asyraf Wajdi

2) The Best Of Blog - The winner is Muhammad Akmal

3) The Best of Group Leader - The winner is Siti Nur Hidayah (Kasawari Team)

4) The Best Group ( Base on Movie Maker assignment)
1st - Rafflesia Group ("Mari Berdakwah" theme)
2nd - Raya Group (" Keindahan alam Sekitar" theme)
3nd - Kasawari Group (" Hari Ibu" Theme)
4rd - Kristall Team ( "Aksi Budak Nakal" Theme)

5) Special Award
- This award for a person who assist for this programs.
- They are "urusetia" for this program...
- This award for : 1) Muhamad Shukri (6R)
2) Muhammad Suffi (6R)

Lastly, i give every students a souvenir...

Salam from Balik Pulau....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week 9 - cITaKU IT Camp experience

Salam everyone...

This week, cITaKU IT Camp is begin...
30 students is selected to join this program....congratulation to all....

For this week, cITaku IT Camp start a program with window Movie Maker...Objective of this is want all student who join this program familiar with window movie maker and can to create a movie using this software....

All student divided to 4 group...

1) Kasawari Team
2) Raya Team
3) Rafllesia Team
4) Kristall Team

All group name , chosen by students base on discussion among group members...

All Team, need to chose a theme for their movie maker project..and need to act base on their theme...


Kasawari Team is headed by Siti Nur Hidayah, and this group is very good on acting.... They choose "Hari Ibu" as a theme for this group... The choose at Taman SPBT as a location to acting their drama... and character a mother on their acting is very interesting to me... that character is acted by a group leader for this group... for me, their acting is very funny... and congtratulation to Kasawari Team... all of you is very talented...


Raya Team is headed by Ahmad Sabri, and their theme is " Keindahan Alam Sekitar"...
Although, their theme is very familiar or popular, and my first presumption for this movie maker project on this title is may be it is simple cause this theme is very familiar...but my presumption is wrong... contraz to Raya Team... They choose Taman SPBT and Taman Bumi Hija at Pra school as location to act their movie... They choose song "Cuti-cuti Malaysia" as a song theme on their movie.. and interesting for this group is they create a new idea like using picture on internet to put their movie...Contraz to all group member, especially Nur Izzati cause she is like a project leader for this movie maker project....


For me, this is unique team.... Why?... Firstly, they told me to choose theme " Mari Berdakwah" for their group.... Alhamdulilah, as a teacher , i very proud with student like this.... They choose Surau as a location to create a video and take a picture.... Start from bacaan yassin berjemaah, solat berjemaah,bacaan al-quran and others to show base on their theme.....This group headed by Muhammad Adam, and although this group without a leader for first day cause adam is absent for that day, they still can control a group and have a teamwork spirit... Contraz Rafllesia team..


If a Rafllesia team is a unique team, the Kristall Team is a ROCK team....hihiiihihi... Why?... This team is very brave and energetic..... The choose theme " Aksi Budak Nakal".... Firstly , i not agree with their plan for this theme cause they plan to act a dangerous action and i dont want to take a risk..... but after discussion with this group, lastly i agree with their plan.... They climb a tree, climb a fence's school, stole , vandalisme, and bullying to finish their act for movie maker project.... fuhhh..... Alhamdulilah, everything is ok, not have any person is injured..... anyway , contraz to Kristall Team for your brave action.....

For Presentation day, every group need to present their project in front all students include me... I know , most of student very nervous and afraid to present their project, but this is your good experience... Actually, for me, every group already make a good presentation cause this is your first time make a presentation in front of many people... I am very proud, cause have some of group starting and ending with "pantun" , explain for every scene on your movie maker, and that is a good idea on presentation a project.....Congratulation all....... I proud with you all....

Salam from Balik Pulau......

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Week 8 (Celebration Teacher's Day)

1) Create ID Student for cITaKU IT Camp...

2)Create a new letter for parent about new schedule cITaKU IT Camp.

3) Celebration Teacher's Day..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week 7 - Planning for cITaKU IT Camp

Salam and good day everyone,

On week 7 :

1) Class ICT in progress like already 2 week class operate.... For 2nd week,almost all student not afraid using a computer cause on 1st week have some of student still worry to use a it is a good progress....

2)Announce to student about school holiday program (cITaKU IT Camp)...

3) Make selection for 20 students standard 5 who will be join cITaKU IT Camp... and for other 10 students for standard 4 will be select on next week....congrats to student selected, and other students can waiting for next programs....insyaAllah...

4)En Raymond( Stationary Supplier) deliver all stationary item on this week..

5) ClickSoft Sdn Bhd( Computer suplier) came to configure a server, and maintainance for this month....

6) Ask student standard 6 to try Permata Pintar program.... thanks to westley cause introduce this program...

ok....salam from balik pulau......

Sunday, May 17, 2009

week 6 - Enjoy on teaching

salam and good day....

Ok, this week class ICT for student in progress like i plan on schedule.... So, start this week i already have 300++ students...

So, what happens this week yea?

1) This week i report to contractor about door problem... cause on last sunday , alarm system make noisy again after the door suddenly open... so, he promise will repair it.... Oh yea, contractor also already come to put gate for outside aircond....

2)This week also, I informed that some of student absent to Sekolah Agama and give a reason cause came to cITaKU lab (thanks to parents who inform it)... so , i already warning to student who absent Sekolah Agama and give that reason, i will not give permission to came cITaKU Lab forever....( actually everyday i already have ICT class and Sekolah Agama also already inform about ICT class schedule, so only a student who involve that class can attend it...)

3) Mr Raymond (Stationary supplier) came to take a list of item that i want order it...insyaAllah i will get all item next week...

4) Good news, contract as IT Facilitator already continue until december this year...

Oh yea, for 2 my friends ( Khairul and Raja Izwan) who will need to report duty as IT Faci to Taiping for next week, I hope both of you will be sucess in there and gud luck at Taiping....

Lastly , Selamat Hari Guru......altought , i not a formal teacher( school teacher), i touched when have a student say Selamat hari guru to me....hihihihihii....

Salam from Balik Pulau....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week 5 - Mision is begin

Salam and Good day.....

Starting on week 5, cITaKU Lab at SK Sungai Korok is begin...... This week all teacher allowed to bring class using this lab on P&P....This lab also, already open to all teachers and students..... Oh yea, this week also i using cITaKU lab for ZOOM A programe for student standard 6 to prepare in UPSR exam.ZOOM A is a interactive program in online to make praparation for UPSR exam.

This week, this lab have 3 visitor from JPN to come visit this lab after PK HEM , Pn Noraini bring them to introduce this lab to them....They hope this lab can give more benefit for this school...I hope too.....

I also want say thanks to Headmaster, cause give me permission to borrow 10 chairs from school to using on my lab... actually i need it cause average number of student for a class is between 27 to 29...and my lab only have 20 chairs only...

This week also, i get 4 new monitor to change with old monitor from our supplier (APR)... i also give to them one of a problem keyboard to change it...

Conclusion: Alhamdulilah, all plan is in good progress and i hope school holiday plan also will be same.... I very enjoy in there, and hope i enjoy it forever.....

Thanks...and salam.....

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week 4

Salam and good day for everyone...

Week 4...

1)Bar code..- base on meeting and discusion with all IT Faci, we already aggree to create bar code for every device or asset in cITaKU Lab. Almost 200 of bar code already i create for my lab, and half of them i already paste it.....

2)Discusion with stationary's suplier to suply all stationary for this lab.

3)Discussion and meeting with other it Faci about member card for cITaKU club,

What happen for thiss week...!!1

- On friday( 1st May) , my alarm system on my lab make noisy back...actually i know it after i get call from my Lab phone cause my phone already connect to alarm after i off it by phone, I ask contractor to see it, and he say the door of the lab is open... but i think it cause my door is have a bit problem...but it's sokay cause all item on my lab is safe...

Bye from Balik Pulau...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Week 3

Salam from Balik Pulau...

1) This week i already start to install all program that needed for this lab like Adobe reader, Modzila firefox, codec, YM, Winrar and flash player.

2) Setting IP address for printer and already connect all PC and laptop on this lab to printer.

3)Install Kypersky and Microsoft Office for 2 laptop which have a problem before this.

4)Oh yea, this week also this lab visited by Mr. Azli, Miss Diana, Miss Linda and Mr. Salim.( NCER)

5)one more, happen a supprise situation for this lab for this week....cause alarm active and thats time i already back to, school managemant very not comfortable for that situation and try to call me.... but not have my number...but i already off that alarm after got call from phone on this lab..and ask contractor to check it... actually it happen cause a student throw "gasing" at this lab....

6) lastly, the best of the best for this week is I need to punch card start from this week....contraz shuk...huhuuhuhuhu....don't try to come late yea.....

......Salam penuh keikhlasan from Balik Pulau......


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Week 2 - Day 2 - 5

Salam and good day,

On week 2 =>

1) On Wednesday, all equipment like computer, projector, printer and other already arrive to my Lab.
  • 2 Laptop need to change hard disk cause not enough capacity( <40mb)
  • 8 Keyboard are not function properly ( need to change)
  • 2 laptop still not arrive yet.So its mean after this laptop on my Lab should be have 12
2) kaizal and syukri ( a person from clickSoft Sdn bhd) already install antivirus (Kypersky) and microsoft office to all PC and laptop except 2 laptop that need to change).Syukri also already configure wireless for this lab.

3) On Thursday, I call the contractor to ask him to put projector screen on this lab. He too busy for that that and he came on friday to see that. On friday he came to see that projector screen , he say need to make a hole on roof , and he ask a person to make it. So now, My projector screen already have on my lab.

4) This week also , I install ant testing wireless for every pc on my lab. I also install webcam and earphone for every pc.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 2 - Day 2

Salam and good day to everyone....


- Start from today, i only write my blog week by week... It's mean i will be update this blog on friday ( last day for the week).... cause i think i don't need to waste my time everyday to update it.. but don't worry, if have any important information i will put it any time...... Thanks.....-

Monday, April 13, 2009

WEEK 2 - Day 1

1) Call Mr. LIM (cctv and alarm system person) to ask him to make connection or link between alarm system and phone. He want me to confirm that that phone connect with fax or not, cause he mention that if phone line using fax may be will be have a problem if want to connect to alarm system.... I still think, i want to connect it or not?

2) Take a picture of Server Rack and MMS that picture to Miss Dianna. I also send a few of picture of server rack (for every possition) to miss by email.

3) Buy a few things to use on the lab......

4) Contractor of this lab came to give a locker pad for cITaKU lab door. He also come to check for any problem for this lab. I only complaint for a small problem on the floor of the lab ( ada sedikit mengelembung kat floor but skit jer actually it cause x rata)...

Friday, April 10, 2009

WEEK 1 - Day 5 - cITaKU Lab security system begins...

salam to everyone....


1) So, today is first day for security system for this lab first thing i do is stop the alarm system after i open a door.....and i check play back for cctv system to make sure everything is ok ( mana la nak tau, kot2 cctv ada record something ker....hihihihi..)...

2) Cleaning the lab..... but for the floor i still not clean it (mop) cause i will clean it after the supplier send the computers.....

3) Mr. Ramzi(TM Staff) came to give a phone for this Lab.....

WEEK 1 - Day 4 - Lab progress::80% is complete

by shuk_justdoit07 on Apr.09, 2009, under Uncategorized

What happens for Today..-

1) Contractor for this Lab came visit on 11 am and we discuss about the about this lab..Regarding from that discussion, he told that any problem about this lab ( i mean building) can refer to him… cause he say this lab have warranty by him for a year…Oh yea, i also ask him about arrangement of table in this lab..and he say he follow the plan which given to him by corridor..(so its mean i can”t to change it cause already planned by corridor…actually i dont like this arrangement…)..actually have many issues i discuss with that contractor but i not remember la….i will be update later for other issues….

2 ) Briefing and explanation about cctv and alarm system..

After already make apoitment with him yesterday, On 1 pm, Mr. Lim from suplier of cctv and alarm system for this lab came to give explanation about security system… He show how to using that cctv ( to record,to back up,to show past record, to save that video to pendrive and others…. )…Mr Lim also explain to me how to using alarm system..actually it is very simple…but if have a few problem, like wrong password, u will be have a big effect ( I mean sound of that alarm very loud ….hihihi..i know cause i have experience today..huhuhuhuhu…nasib baik la, orang kat ctu x call bomba….)..: )……

3) En Halim from TM came to lab on 3++ pm to put streamyx on this lab…actually, yesterday , he make apointment with me morning…so i call him this afternoon cause he is still not came… and he say not came today cause need to handle a problem at Bayan baru….and will came tommorow…..But suddenlly , on 3 pm he came to this lab (may be he finish problem at bayan baru early..)……

4) I trying call TM Balik Pulau to ask about phone not provided for this lab. TM staff ask me line phone number and my name and she call me back 15 minutes later.She explain that, a person who configure phone line not give to anyone cause thats time no person in there.. and she ask me to call mr. Ramzi to get that phone. En Ramzi promise that he will be came tommorow to give that phone....

WEEK 1 - Day 3 - My Lab almost complete….

by shuk_justdoit07 on Apr.08, 2009, under Uncategorized

fuhh…….only thats word that i can say now…..


After 3 days work hard to solve many problem, finally my lab almost complete…but still not complete yet….

Alhamdulillah, we hope tomorow will be progress like i plan today…


1) Streamyx Problem…

I already confirm that En Halim from TM will be come tommorow… i get their phone number from miss Diana….I hope he will came…cause I informed that this area not support streamyx 2MB ,,,,,..So I hope tmorow cal solve everything about connection internet and phone….

2. Alarm and CCTV in cITaKU Lab

I already set apoitnment between a person who incharge alarm and cctv in cITaKU Lab on tomorrow at 11 am.According to contractor, that person will give explaination and briefing about security system on this lab. ..




WEEK 1 - Day 2 - Lab ku Syurga Ku….

by shuk_justdoit07 on Apr.07, 2009, under Uncategorized

Salam to everyone,

What I doing today….?

1) Electricity problem.

- I call back Mr. Badrizal(TNB Staff) and told him that this lab need electricity immeatedelly cause have important visitor will be come tommorow…(actually it is cheating)….and he ask me to call Mr. Baharudin to confirm it.After I gave serial number form to Mr. Baharudin,he told i need to call Mr. Tan to solve that problem…. And then , finnally Mr. Tan came at 11.oo am…..Thanks TNB …Your service is very good…….: )……

2) Streamyx Problem

- I call back a person that inchrge for streamyx at this lab, and i ask him for more detail, cause yesterday i not understand very well why he say streamyx not support here….he say that this area difficult to support streamyx line..but he already report to TM and he will be come soon( Not sure when) but he will call me first if he want to come….

3)Ask about hole around cITaKU Lab.

- I call contractor to ask about hole around lab, and he say it is to allow air wap dari tanah keluar if not have that hole , besi will be easy damage……

4)Appointment with a person that incharge cctv and alarm system.

- I ask the contractor to set appoitnment with a person who incharge security system on this lab. The contractor say that they will be give briefing and explanation about cctv and alarm system on this lab….

Oh yea…baru i remember…late evening, i have a guest came to see cITaKU Lab.. she is Penolong Kanan Ko-Kurikulum…so i am very proud cause i already have guest and that is my first visitor to visit my Lab although it still not complete yet… so i hope the school can give support for this project and i believe this Lab can give benefit to this school……..insyaAllah…


Today is better than yesterday…..and i hope tommorow more better than today……

WEEK 1 - Day 1 - Challenging day is begin

by shuk_justdoit07 on Apr.06, 2009,


1- Still not have electricity in cITaKU Lab ( I already informed by contractor that he already submit a form to ask TNB put electricity meter in cITaku lab and payment also already make by contractor to TNB)

2- Not have internet connection and phone. ( TELEKOM MALAYSIA(TM) already came to cITaKU lab on last week to configure streamyx and other thing, but I informed that they cannot connect to streamyx last week cause technical problem…….)

3. I not remember la…. sokay i will update soon if i remember it……

What I doing yea?

1) I ask to contractor the problem for that situation(no electricity) and serial number for the form.

2) I call TNB Bayan Baru to ask about that situation and Mr. Badrizal (TNB Staff (not sure their position)) said that form already in progress but need have approved by someone( i think their boss) and he promise will be came to put electricity meter in 1 or 2 days later.

3) I already call a person(TM Staff) that incharge to put Streamyx on cITaKU Lab and he say have problem on streamyx connection in that area….peliknya?….so , he will call back …….

4) other….not remember la….. will be update it…




Asalamualaikum and Bye…………

**So what i need to do tmorrow? electricity still not connect…. “TEPUK DADA, TANYA IMAN”………

Ready Reporting Duty….(Don’t be naugthy in your school)

by shuk_justdoit07 on Apr.02, 2009,

Advise from boss………

Dear Team

This is to inform that all facilitators (except for Wesley and Uma) are to report to the principal at your respective schools at 8.30am. Your working hours is from 8am to 5pm, Mon-Fri. I make the 6th an exception due to the school assembly, otherwise the principal will not have time to have a proper chat with you when you go to see her/him. You are to get the keys from the schools as I was made to understand that the keys have already been handed over by the contractors to the schools. However, at times the keys are kept by the security guards. Therefore, in the event that the schools’ management fail to produce the keys to not panic. Instead, look for the security guards. If that fails too (just in case), attached is the list of contractors for each of your schools. Do not hesitate to call them.

A letter will be sent out to JPN Penang and JPN Perak to inform of your coming.

A few pointers that all of you should take note:

1. You are to prepare the cabin to receive delivery

2. You are to check that everything is in order ie air cond, lights, switch points etc are working properly (a checklist will be emailed to you)

3. Oversee works done in the event that your cabin has not been connected to power line (which I hope not) or streamyx line

4. If your cabin has not been connected to the power line inform me immediately. This is important as we do not want deliveries to be made to cabins that the alarm system is not running due to no electricity

5. Once the equipment has been delivered make sure that you do a round check to make sure that the goods delivered are in top order. We do not want late report of any defects to the supplier.

6. The lab is not to be opened to the school until you receive directive to do so

7. Have all that are necessary with you ie modules (soft copies will do), a few sheets of whatever forms you need to last you for a week running the labs (booking forms, timetable sheets etc) or anything that you think you might need for you to function as a facilitator

8. While you are there, mingle with the school teachers and get to know the people that you have to work closely with. This is where your PR skills are needed J. It will make your job much much easier trust me.

9. Take note of any obstacles that you might face or need to handle so that you can plan your next action. Always be alert to your surrounding ( case pecah rumah around the school area, kecurian cable, teachers attitude towards using ICT etc)

10. Stay connected! Meaning to say make sure that you are easily contacted at all time(no switching off handphone ye). SMS your cabin’s phone number to me.

It has been reported that SJKT Nibong Tebal and SJKC Yock Eng needs another week to be ready so Wesley and Uma will report duty on the 13th of April 2009.

Other than all this…. J I hope that all of you can mentally prepare yourself to face your new working environment. Always use your common sense and do not get easily panic.

Love and Belief

Diana Luciana Robert

Programme Manager – cITaKU Labs

Motivation from My boss…

by shuk_justdoit07 on Apr.02, 2009,

My Dearest Team

Yes …the wait is over..the time has come… we are only days away from the big day when we will finally get to go to our respective schools to report duty. Before the day comes, I as the Head of cITaKU Labs, would like to thank all of you for serving your months slogging over the syllabus and timetables etc. I am honoured to have you as my facilitators and honoured by your continued support to me. Even the ones who have just come on board have expressed support to me and for that I am truly grateful. This is only the beginning and I can’t wait to start this journey with you.

To those who are going to the “battle ground” next week, remember that our mission is to give back to society and to enrich the lives of others. The golden rule that I wish for you to adopt is “to give without asking for returns’. By embracing this golden rule, will not only make you a happier and much likeable person, but will bless you and help you to grow into becoming a greater person, a much more understanding teacher, a patient friend and a loving custodian to your students (be it teachers or school children). Set a daily goal to be Inspiring, Nurturing and Strong to others so that you can set good examples for others to follow. You are indeed paving the way for other facilitators who will be joining us in our mission.  kind of like a commando.

I believe that you will be able to change the people around you if you work together as a family, even if there are barriers and obstacles in the future. It is not going to be easy, the ride may be rough, but if you hold on to each other it will make the bumpy ride bearable and less difficult. All I can say in my 10 years of being a Teacher is to face challenges straight in the sidestepping.. and learn how to overcome the problem. Never give up! Here are a few tips that I would like to share:
1. Persistency. Keep trying and do not give up until you achieve your goals.
2. Lead by example. Watch what you say or do because your students will follow what their teacher do. Remember that your actions affect those around you.
3. Belief. Believe that you can make a difference. What may seem small and insignificant to you, may have big impact on others.
4. A ‘Go Give’ spirit. Always ask yourself as to how much you could help instead of how much you can get ( as in pujian or other types of reward). Give from your heart.
5. Take action. Work on activities that need to be done to stimulate interest among school society.
6. Failure? Should you fail at something ( lesson didn’t go well or budak-budak tak mau dengar kata), it does not mean that you cannot do it or you are a bad teacher. It is just a reminder that you need to work harder and try again.

This video clip has touched my heart and made me thought of you. It has a very strong message. I thought that it will be good to share so that it will always come to your mind when the going gets tough. Like I said in our tele-conferencing this morning, we may face adversity, but we should never lose faith in what we are trying to do. We are only here to help. Be creative in executing activities to attract the interest of the school society. Be patient too. Once they see how much fun and educational our labs can be for them, I believe that they will come to you on their own free will.

Enjoy the clip and I hope you are with me in our quest to make changes and touch the lives of others.

Love and Belief

Diana Luciana Robert

The Battle begins…..

by shuk_justdoit07 on Apr.02, 2009

Welcome to cITaKU Lab Sungai Korok…. actually this blog just for my team of IT Facilitator to share and report the activity in each school…. So, enjoy at your school…………….To all IT Faci(include me) ,remember advise from our Boss, **To give without asking for returns**. Think it…… All the best……

Salam from Balik Pulau….

Thursday, April 9, 2009

by shuk_justdoit07 on Apr.02, 2009

Welcome to cITaKU Lab Sungai Korok…. actually this blog just for my team of IT Facilitator to share and report the activity in each school…. So, enjoy at your school…………….To all IT Faci(include me) ,remember advise from our Boss, **To give without asking for returns**. Think it…… All the best……

Salam from Balik Pulau….